

GEM Tracker Maps is served entirely staticly, with no build process. Each tracker only requires a JSON based configuration file, and a data file (CSV or JSON, as currently produced for GEM Trackers).

Create a new tracker

Clone the repo. Create a new directory under /trackers/. Place the data for the tracker there. Create a symlink to index.html: while in the new directory, ln -s ../../src/index.html. Create a config.js. Commit to GitHub.

Configure a tracker

First, there are sitewide configurations with site-config.js. Any parameter can be configured site wide. Documentation on the typical site wide parameters is in that file.

The config.js for coal-plant has documentation on the parameters typically set for a tracker.

Update tracker data

Fork the repository. Place new data file in the appropriate tracker directory. Test and do quality checks on that fork. When ready, make a pull request to the main repository. And accept the pull request to make the update.

Building vector tiles

Detailed GEM Specific Instructions for creating and updating GIPT tiles

Install csv2geojson and tippecanoe

% csv2geojson --numeric-fields "Capacity (MW)" Global\ Integrated\ Power\ data\ 2024-02-14.xlsx\ -\ Sheet1.csv > integrated.geojson

% tippecanoe -e integrated-2024-02-14.dir --no-tile-compression -r1 -pk -pf --force -l integrated < integrated.geojson

Copy local files to digital ocean spaces recursively and set public aws s3 cp --endpoint-url PATH/TO/DIR/TILES/FROM/TIPPECANOE s3://$BUCKETEER_BUCKET_NAME/NAME_OF_FOLDER_IN_DIGITAL_OCEAN/NAME_OF_SUB_FOLDER_IN_DIGITAL_OCEAN --recursive --acl public-read


This can be hosted directly from GitPages.

If hosting on another webserver, the entire repo should be available from a directory on the webserver.

Libraries Used

Next trackers to move into EG